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Fog and Nature
2022 TUSKOutreach-Horz-BLK.png

TUSK Outreach is our philanthropic program that was created to inspire music fans and the artists they love to come together for a united collective outreach.   $0.50 per ticket on Mammoth ticketed events goes into the TUSK fund.  100% of proceeds are then donated among organizations that work in the global water crisis, wildlife protection and local community outreach.


Global Water Crisis

We support 2 water organizations working globally to provide community wells and piped water directly into homes.

Wildlife Preservation

We help support Save The Elephants in their efforts in Kenya to protect the wild elephant population.

Soup Kitchen

Local Outreach

We help fund a variety of charities and organizations within our local community.


Employee Involvement

As part of our TUSK Outreach initiatives, Mammoth has an employee-selected Kiva loan program. Employees participate in the process of selecting loans for Kiva funding. Once a loan is repaid, a new employee is invited to take part in selecting the subsequent loan.

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